The mother of Gevorg Shahumyan presented her son’s path at the Voskeporik Development Center. Mother’s speech moved us and at the same time inspired us to do more and record new achievements. Mother’s words are presented below:
“What I will write about now has a story of five years.
When I realized that my son had some developmental problems, I started looking for specialists. The end point of that search became the starting point of our new path. My son had speech development, concentration, and communication problems.
To fix all that, we directed our steps to Voskeporik, where they create warm atmosphere for everyone and support them to move forward.
Our serious steps coincided with the first steps of Voskeporik. Together we went through a complicated, but at the same time lovely process. As a result of the work of this team of conscientious professionals, we have achieved lots of success.
My son already studies in the 4th grade, is able to write and read.
But all these are only the first pages of our success story. The pages of our story are yet to be turned…”.
We are happy to be a part of Gevorg’s achievements and of his success story. We are sure that we will read the pages of his story together․