Monte Shahbazyan was born on December 6, 2016, in the village of Malishka, Vayots Dzor region. Monte is the third child in the family. At the age of one and a half years, the child suffered a leg fracture. It is true that he overcame the difficulty and started walking again, but during that time his speech became more passive.
A branch of the Voskeporik Development center was opened in Yeghegnadzor in 2021. After a team observation, three and a half year old Monte began attending the center.
According to the child’s mother, her child’s difficulty became a driving force for her to specialize in solving the problem, and the center, with its approach and methodology, gave her the opportunity to undergo training, and now she is a member of the team.
Monte has seen tremendous growth since attending.
“I can say with confidence that the difficulties have been overcome due to the work of the center’s team and our dear therapist Liana.
“We love Voskeporik, We are the Voskeporik,” emphasizes Monte’s mother.
We are happy to witness Monte’s success and become a part of that process.