Saint Sargis is one of the favorite saints of the Armenian people, he is called the guardian of family and lovers, the refuge of those in danger on the road, and the quick helper of all those in need.

February is full of holidays for the Armenian people; On February 13, the Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates one of the most popular holidays of the people – Trndez or Tearnandaraj (the feast of the offering of Jesus to the temple). Trndez, in fact, symbolizes the farewell to winter and the arrival of spring. The main symbol is the bonfire, over which loving couples jump holding hands, as well as any participant of the celebration.
The Voskeporik Development Center also referred to the holidays. On February 13, the “Artvestanots” series of the Art Opens
Doors integration program was launched in the center. The beginning was given with the “Arvestanot” dedicated to the Saint Sargis holiday, the event was also full of Trndez traditions.
The beneficiaries of the center participated in the event, including the children with special educational needs, who interactively got to know the tradition of the holiday, with their own hands made bags and hooves , in which were included symbols of the day: cherry blossoms, dried fruits and saffron. For the “voskeporiks”, the day was truly a holiday, the traditions were loved and understood.